For Our Shareholders and Investors
Founded in 2003 with the management philosophy of "contributing to society through capital markets," Rheos Capital Works was listed on the Growth Market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange on April 25, 2023.
In ancient Greek, "rheos" means "to flow." The philosopher Heraclitus left us with the aphorism that all things are in a state of flux (panta rhei). The world is in a constant state of change, and in that change lies unlimited opportunity. We want to contribute to society through the capital market and create a better future together with our customers while changing ourselves to keep up with the times.
In Japan, cash and deposits account for over 50% of more than 2,000 trillion yen in personal financial assets, and the lack of efficient asset management is one factor hindering Japan's growth. The Japanese government is also encouraging asset building by expanding the NISA system, aiming to increase the nation's future assets and create a brighter future by directing even a small amount of this vast amount of cash and deposits to investment.
We strive to realize a prosperous society through financial inclusion. With the aim of evolving and deepening financial inclusion, SBI RHEOS HIFUMI Inc. was established as of April 1, 2024 under a holding company structure. To deliver the benefits of financial services widely to every corner of Japan, we need to communicate the magic of finance regardless of gender, age, region, or asset status, and create a flow of money to support all kinds of people challenging themselves in new areas. For this reason, we also believe it is necessary to provide asset management opportunities other than investment trusts. We must build a strong management structure that will allow us to further demonstrate our true value through the diversification of our customers, investment destinations, and investment methods.
After the transition to the new structure, we aim to strengthen and grow our existing business centered on the Hifumi Series by popularizing investment in installments and aggressively introducing new products that meet customer needs. We will also expand our client base and the value we provide, while also considering adding companies that support asset building infrastructure to the Group through the acquisition of new asset management companies and participation in management.
I believe that investment is what will build the future and can create a better society. I believe that this transition to a holding company structure has further cleared the path for us to achieve this. Together with our stakeholders, we will do our best as the Rheos Group for you, and we look forward to your continued support.
Representative Director, Chairman,Presisent, Group CEO
Hideto Fujino

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- For Our Shareholders and Investors